Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Dance Program

On April 24 a music and dance performance took place in the Amadablam courtyard at 14:30, Nepali time. This was the result of six months of The Umbrella Magic Unplugged Sound System II (TUMUSS II) (see Fred brother’s news article) and one month of dance preparation. Fred asked me to be the coordinator/super-visor for the guys and girls who wanted to dance during the performance. Not having taken more than one year of dance lessons as a seven year old, my part was to provide sound equipment, DVD players, amateur advice, and enthusiasm. Since sound equipment and CD players are in short supply at Umbrella, we made use of DVD players, defunct computers, and volunteers’ mini speakers. Amateur advice and enthusiasm abounded, much to the chagrin of the dancers.
Five groups performed during the concert. The largest group with eight dancers was comprised of girls from Sagarmatha and Solhimal Girls houses. Their performance was a traditional Nepali and hip-hop hybrid danced Shakira-style to music of the same sort of mixture. Second largest was a group of guys from Annapurna who wowed the crowd with acrobatic stunts, hip-hop moves, and gold face paint. Two of the Annapurna dancers also performed as a duo, showing off even more awesome rhythm and gravity-defying moves. Machhapuchre house was represented by five dancers whose choreography to the hip-hop music seemed almost professional. There was a young trio from Amadablam who showed everyone what talent was coming up in Umbrella.

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